Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Guilt Trips

Years ago both of my parents took a trip to Europe, my siblings and I were all still to young to stay by ourselves for a week so my grandmother came to watch us. The first problem I have with my grandma is that she is always cleaning, always. Normal people would cheer her on and be glad it isn't them. I wold have too if she didn't insist on "cleaning" my room. I have different piles of clothes: dirty, clean, not technically clean but wearable again. She didnt know the difference and would move everything around and move stuff around so I couldn't find it later. I'm thankful to say that I'm a bit more organized now and even use *gasp* drawers. But then she was messing up a patient pending system. Now my brothers and I were all getting kinda fed up with the constant nagging about this and that. We were kids, we weren't very responsible. But one day when she told us to do something, I don't remember exactly what, we responded with our mom doesn't make us do that. This led to a whole guilt trip about how my grndma didn't have a mother and we were lucky and we take her for granted. All of which were true, but we were in elementary and middle school. I just hate it when someone tries to get you to do something by making you feel horrible.

To make matters worse she would do laundry and when she was seperating it into different peoples' stuff she held up mu underwear in front of both my brothers and they laughed at me. It was very tragic and I will never forget.

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