Thursday, May 3, 2012

From Bad to Worse

So I had a really sucky day today, I didn't win a school wide election and a have a huge project to do but can't until my partner emails me some information and 2 of my fidh died. And 1 wasn't even mine. So I have a 15 gallon tank with 8 fish Pongo, Molly, Nemo, Shamu, Fred, George (mine), then there's Marmol and Marble both Josie's. When I woke up this morning they were fine, I fed them like normal ad left but when I came home today Marble and Fred were dead and Pongo was close to death, I still don't know if he's going to pull through. Anyway to some people it's like hwatever they're just fish but I like them and named them and watch them swim around often so they're kind of important to me. And dead fish on top of a shit tastic almost made me cry. Thew only thing that stopped me was the fact that my dad was right there, I don't like to cry in front of people I think it's because I have an older brother and crying ment he won. And I hate to lose.
But anyway, for all those tank people out there remember to wait for new water to get rom temperature even if you're in a big hurry because if you don't you'll kill your best friends fish and also change your filter cartridge once a month. I feel like a bad fish mom.

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