Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Twisted Mind

Do you ever look at something and think something completely random? Most people will say yes, as will I. But one of the most random things that keeps poping into my head recntly is zombies. I will be driving a night with out anyone else and think this whole road will be cracked and overgrown after the zombie apocolapse. I don't know why but these things really do pop into my mind. I was crossing a bridge and i thought the same thing, the bridge wold become unstable and break making it necessary to find an alternate way across.

Another thing in regard to zombies I think of is whether or not I wouuld survive the initial zombie outbreak. i would love to say yes but unless I had people like the terminator or Bruce Willise on my side I'm pretty sure I would become a zombie or die...or both. One book I really liked which delt with the zombie apocolapse was Rot & Ruin I thought it was well written and the sequel was alos good. Completely recomend it.

So, how would you survive the zombie apocolapse?


Fate is weird. It kinda remind me of a paradox, for example... "If fate means for us to be together then we wil be" -so you're not going to try because if it was fate it would work out but if you had never heard of fate and you tried then the relationship would work out so sometimes you people wold be fated to be together if you hadent used fate as an excuse not to actully try. And it's not just relationships, it's everything . I order to get something most people have to work for it. Unless you're one of those people who gets everything.. like Barbie, that bitch.

But the there's that Biblical fate too. Where everything is set until the end of time and God can change it if he wanted. Well first off God gave mankind the freedom to choose and which also means the have the freedom to try. A lot of times christians (I am one so don't get all uppity) will say well God dodn't give me a job so it must be impossible. No, maybe if you got off your fat ass, stoped drinking beer and actully applied somewhere instead of sitting around waiting for someone to come to your trailer home door you would have a job. God might help but he doesn't do all the work.

Whoever knows who is in this picture is officially my new best friend

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Too Corny

Real convo between my dad and I
Me: *Shucking corn*
Dad: Thank's for helping make dinner
Me: aw shucks it was nothing
dad: I'm glad your 'ear
me: without me this could turn into a hairy situation
dad: some silk joke I cant remember
me: that last one gave me a kernel of doubt
Joe: I can't believe you two

What's sad about this conversation is my dad and I do this all the time. Once it was catagorizd on fish, it went on forever. We are those people wo enjoy awful puns and try to throw them into every conversation we can. Has anyone else had realy punny convos wit others? I saw a great one about the ocean and used quite a few of them in the fish conversation with my dad. Feel free to put some of your favorites in the comments section

Sunday, May 20, 2012


I was just wondering how many of you believe in ghosts. I'm not talking about the kind that hide under the bed (unless you count that little girl from the sixth sense) but rather the what he hell is making the creepy noises and moving things around in my house. I personally have never had a ghostly encounter but I know many people who have and it freaks me out.
Quite recently some friends and I were swapping ghost stories on of which involved a ghost of a loved one who would give money to his living family. Now after my friend told us this story (it was much longer and there was more to it, but it's not my story to tell) she walked to her car. No big deal she does it everyday after all but sitting on her dashboard she found a penny. Now your probably thinking whatever don't you ever have random change in your car? But this was on the pasenger side and she hadn't had anyone riding in her car recently. Also it was the first thing she notice when she got in the car. If it was there before she would have noticed it before. The whole situation was rather unerving and while the spirit was suppost to be a friendly relative, we were all rather shook up. I just thought I would get other people's thoughts on the supernatural and otherworldly.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


So yesterday was prom and it wasn't bad but it wasn't everything I dreamed of and more. At first I wasn't going to go because I didn't have a date but then suddenly all my friends were going (even the single ones) and I felt really left out. So I ended up going and I think it was th edate factor that brought me down. It's not as if I sat in the corner alone, my friends incorporated me and I danced but there was also some really adorable couple moments that kind of made my heart break. In the end I was glad I went and I think I would do it again given the chance but just didn't live up to expectations.
    But hey no one got coated in pigs blood.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Secret is Out

After my last little pitty party I thought I would show you something I thought was quite humorous.

From Bad to Worse

So I had a really sucky day today, I didn't win a school wide election and a have a huge project to do but can't until my partner emails me some information and 2 of my fidh died. And 1 wasn't even mine. So I have a 15 gallon tank with 8 fish Pongo, Molly, Nemo, Shamu, Fred, George (mine), then there's Marmol and Marble both Josie's. When I woke up this morning they were fine, I fed them like normal ad left but when I came home today Marble and Fred were dead and Pongo was close to death, I still don't know if he's going to pull through. Anyway to some people it's like hwatever they're just fish but I like them and named them and watch them swim around often so they're kind of important to me. And dead fish on top of a shit tastic almost made me cry. Thew only thing that stopped me was the fact that my dad was right there, I don't like to cry in front of people I think it's because I have an older brother and crying ment he won. And I hate to lose.
But anyway, for all those tank people out there remember to wait for new water to get rom temperature even if you're in a big hurry because if you don't you'll kill your best friends fish and also change your filter cartridge once a month. I feel like a bad fish mom.

Bad Juju

So I never win things, and I'm not talking about races or eating competitions I'm talking about things that rely more on chance. I never win more then two bucks on scratch offs I never win the raffel at fundraisers. I'm just not very lucky. But I also don't win populatity contests. It's not that I don't get along with people I'm just not someone who grabs the room's attention. If I walked into a party noone would notice, if my friend Josie walked into a party eveyone would yell out a hello. Now this was brought on by STUCO. Or student council if you didn't know what I was talking about.
I decided to run for membership coordinator who basicly just keeps tabs on the club's members. If you didn't know where this was heading by now, I feel like I should inform you that I lost. As a Jr. to a Sophmore. I just think that maybe I shouldn't be surprised. I ran for secretary back in elementary school. And lost. And for all of you saying get over it, I pretty much was until I realized I suck at everything. This time I was really invested. It hurts almost as much as the time I was at a girl scout thing with over 100 people and yet every girl in my troop won a random name out of a bucket except me. Sounds stupid but how would you feel as every other person got called up as you sat there on the bleachers. Well my friend Josie that I mentioned is loved by everyone ran also and she won as Secretary. As did every other Jr. who ran for office.
The reasoning that "well there are more underclassmen who will vote for underclassman then upperclassman (only freshman, sophmores, and jrs votes)" doesn't really stand up when everyone else running against underclassman won. I also thought hey maybe people just chose all on the left or all on the right well guess what all the jrs were on the right but Josie so that logic wold say that I would have won and Josie wouldn't have and no jrs were on the left but Josie so all the jrs would have lost but Josie. So in the end I guess I just don't get people's attention and I have the shittest lucky ever. That or everyone hates me, but for the sake of my self imagine I'm going to pretend its bad juju.