Friday, July 13, 2012

Nerd Post: Skyrim review

In the beginning there was nothing, then my little brother showed me how to play Skyrim on his xbox 360.
So at fist I thought it was the best game ever, I'm admittedly not a super great player but it's still really fun. So there I was being awesome when I went down stairs to my older brother's room where he was playing Dark Souls. Now anyone familar with the two game will realize that Dark Souls is much, much harder and now I know that I'm a total "noob". Against real people I would be killed in a heart beat, which is why skyrim is for my little brother and I. Now, my little bro isn't bad, he's (much) better then I am, but he's not on the same level as my older brother. After witnessing Dark Souls I reevaluated Skyrim and decided it wasn't the greatest thing since sliced bread if you were a champ gamer, but if you kinda suck and you just want to play it because it's really fun, then go right ahead Skyrim is for you. If you want a real challenge so that you don't feel like you wasted your money on for 13 hours of fun, then you should get Dark Souls because that shit is nearly impossible to beat. It takes a lot more time and a lot more skill.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Guilt Trips

Years ago both of my parents took a trip to Europe, my siblings and I were all still to young to stay by ourselves for a week so my grandmother came to watch us. The first problem I have with my grandma is that she is always cleaning, always. Normal people would cheer her on and be glad it isn't them. I wold have too if she didn't insist on "cleaning" my room. I have different piles of clothes: dirty, clean, not technically clean but wearable again. She didnt know the difference and would move everything around and move stuff around so I couldn't find it later. I'm thankful to say that I'm a bit more organized now and even use *gasp* drawers. But then she was messing up a patient pending system. Now my brothers and I were all getting kinda fed up with the constant nagging about this and that. We were kids, we weren't very responsible. But one day when she told us to do something, I don't remember exactly what, we responded with our mom doesn't make us do that. This led to a whole guilt trip about how my grndma didn't have a mother and we were lucky and we take her for granted. All of which were true, but we were in elementary and middle school. I just hate it when someone tries to get you to do something by making you feel horrible.

To make matters worse she would do laundry and when she was seperating it into different peoples' stuff she held up mu underwear in front of both my brothers and they laughed at me. It was very tragic and I will never forget.

Gift Guilt

Don't you hatre when someone gets you something for no reason but you hate it. Well my grandma has a habit of doing this. Every now and then she gets something really awesome but most times it's clothes. Most of the clothes look like a grandma bought them, that doesn't work for a teenager. The main point is that my grandmother just bought me a new dress. It is made of a sundress material and is pretty light weight but it has these buttons at the bottom edge where you can button them and make it have this weird gathered ruffle part just at the bottom. That makes the dress go to just about the middle of my shins, if I undo the buttons it is ankle length. Now highschoolers don't really wear dresseslike this, some do, but not me. My idea was not to get rid of the dress but rather to hem it to a more desirable length, my mother got frusterated with me because she and my grandma spend a lot of time choosing this dress over some other ones..... I don't know what to say other then "I'm sorry you chose wrong?" I just want to trim it, and it was my grandma who bought my surger so I could hem things and she loves whne I sew and make things. In the end I'm not going to wear it like that so I don't understand why I can't fix it.
Now in the end she decided that if I wasn't going to wear it like that then I could fix it so here's the transformation:
Sorry about the messy room, it's a teen thing.
In the end it all worked ou though, my grandma called to say hello and my mom told her about it and when we talked she said she was glad I knew how to alter and fix things so I could fix clothes when I wanted to.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm going to throw  little tantrum here. You were forwarned.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I really want to go volenteer with my friend at the local animal shelter. We were all set and I had already signed up (they don;t like it when you sign up then cancel) when she calls me texts me and backs out. Now I love said friend but I was a bit miffed. I feel bad thinking it, in fact I feel like a spoiled bitch but it's kinda my birthday and she had asked previously if this was what I wanted to do and commited then bailed.
Now it's not a big deal because I still want to go even if she isn't but if I'm going alone I was goingto help with the cats because she hates them and wont come with but I signed up for the dogs and now I'm stuck with it. Oh well it's for a good cause.
The other thing that bothers me is that I have soccer practice tomorrow too and I don't hate practice I just don't want to go on my birthday. My dad's logic is that since I just missed a week of kick arounds (just getting together and scrimmageing) then one day of try-outs I have to go. But I knbwo my dad and I'm pretty sure if I had gone to everything he would still make me go to this practice. Oh, and the reason I missed practice was because I was in florida. This is a club team not a school team which would be completely different and I understand that. I just wished that I didn't have to go to my birthday....when I don't want to.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Twisted Mind

Do you ever look at something and think something completely random? Most people will say yes, as will I. But one of the most random things that keeps poping into my head recntly is zombies. I will be driving a night with out anyone else and think this whole road will be cracked and overgrown after the zombie apocolapse. I don't know why but these things really do pop into my mind. I was crossing a bridge and i thought the same thing, the bridge wold become unstable and break making it necessary to find an alternate way across.

Another thing in regard to zombies I think of is whether or not I wouuld survive the initial zombie outbreak. i would love to say yes but unless I had people like the terminator or Bruce Willise on my side I'm pretty sure I would become a zombie or die...or both. One book I really liked which delt with the zombie apocolapse was Rot & Ruin I thought it was well written and the sequel was alos good. Completely recomend it.

So, how would you survive the zombie apocolapse?


Fate is weird. It kinda remind me of a paradox, for example... "If fate means for us to be together then we wil be" -so you're not going to try because if it was fate it would work out but if you had never heard of fate and you tried then the relationship would work out so sometimes you people wold be fated to be together if you hadent used fate as an excuse not to actully try. And it's not just relationships, it's everything . I order to get something most people have to work for it. Unless you're one of those people who gets everything.. like Barbie, that bitch.

But the there's that Biblical fate too. Where everything is set until the end of time and God can change it if he wanted. Well first off God gave mankind the freedom to choose and which also means the have the freedom to try. A lot of times christians (I am one so don't get all uppity) will say well God dodn't give me a job so it must be impossible. No, maybe if you got off your fat ass, stoped drinking beer and actully applied somewhere instead of sitting around waiting for someone to come to your trailer home door you would have a job. God might help but he doesn't do all the work.

Whoever knows who is in this picture is officially my new best friend

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Too Corny

Real convo between my dad and I
Me: *Shucking corn*
Dad: Thank's for helping make dinner
Me: aw shucks it was nothing
dad: I'm glad your 'ear
me: without me this could turn into a hairy situation
dad: some silk joke I cant remember
me: that last one gave me a kernel of doubt
Joe: I can't believe you two

What's sad about this conversation is my dad and I do this all the time. Once it was catagorizd on fish, it went on forever. We are those people wo enjoy awful puns and try to throw them into every conversation we can. Has anyone else had realy punny convos wit others? I saw a great one about the ocean and used quite a few of them in the fish conversation with my dad. Feel free to put some of your favorites in the comments section