Thursday, April 26, 2012

So True...

After my last post I thought this was appropriate....
And I just wanted to say hi to all the other I will see in Hell (you know who you are)

And Then He Said YOLO!

Me: I saw this thing on twitter about how Jesus said YOLO
Jo: So?
Me: He died then came  back, he didn't YOLO. It was funny
*Blank stares*
Bridget: Wait he really said that
Me: ...Yeah Bridget, and then God said let there be light, and YOLO!!
Jo and I: hahahaha
Bridget: Oh *half hearted laughter*

This happened today and I remembered when I saw this pic, thought I would share.

Gentlemon lol

Saw this on Facebook hehe. He's a "Gentlemon"

Gah! Chem and Dad!

So I'm not doing to well in honors chem, it's really hard and I've been struggling. Now I read and re-read the note packet at least 5 times beforew a quiz we had and still dont think I did to hot. But my little brother was confessing about how he didn't do well on TWO  quiz/tests and I mention about how I don't think I did well on ONE  test and my dad freaks out. I mean really freaks out. He's yelling abou how I need to try harder and how I should study and do practice problems and I just wait for the end of his rant. The I inform him (calmly and maturly as I'm sure you imagined) that I had studied and done practice problem and he would know that if he wsas ever home. He replied with "When? When you were out shopping or when you were at Dairy Queen?!?" and I was pissed and told him that I hadn't gone shopping that day it was two days ago (for a prom dress) and that I came home from Dairy Queen and studied, he could ask Mom. So don't ask me questions if you're not going to believe my answer.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lazy People

I hate those people who say that a teacher doesn't teach just because they don't pay attention.
They sit in the back and talk about how high they were yesterday and how many people want them and blah blah blah all while the teacher is lecuring. Maybe if you wold shut up, wake up, and actully do the work you wouldn't have to grow up and work at some fast food joint.

Bipolar English Teachers

Has anyone noticed how we learn one thing in english then the next year that same ting is wrong. For example, when you were little you couldn't strat a sentence with "but" or "because" now in high school both are allowed. Or that there's a triangle with the base at the top and point at bottom and it's because your introduction paragraph ina an essay is suppost to get more specific as you go down. I have had teachers demand we start at the bottom then ones that say start at the top. They aren't suggestions either. English has to be one of my least favorite subjects, while I love to read I have how there is no one right answer.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dress Code

I really don't mind that a majority of the time the dress code is not inforced. I don't wear crazy short shorts (contrary to what my mom says) and my shirts are not too low (Just because I have boobs and you don't doesn't mean you can show your ENTIRE chest). But what does kill me is the fact that during one trend (sleeveless, long vests things) I was pulled aside. I who was wearing jeans and the girls who had their asses hanging out with the same top as me, walked on. My friend who is no stranger to the school disciplinary system later told me that I was most likely pulled aside because I woldn't talk back.The other girls would have cussed and made a scene. Ah the school system in action....I still wear that vest thing today.